This site is meant to catalog my efforts. Over the years, I've "spun my wheels" to learn, get things working, or explore interesting ideas--only for them to be lost to time. You might see this site as a collection of my notes or at times my memoirs, words shaped only by my inspiration in the moment. However, I intend for it to be much more. This site exists for me along with the hope that something I've done might help you.
What does Rskio Mean?
Nothing. Just like QUIC and the G in GNU. As with anyone who has been "coding" since 2008, I struggle with naming variables and cache invalidation. After trying to pay homage to Nihei's TOHA Heavy Industries, but inevitably settling on the first reasonable sounding 5-letter .com there was. I decided to use a blend of a nickname (ruskonator) I was given and Input/Output (IO) and get to work. The same goes for "Rskntroot", it's a mix of that same nickname and the classic "root" term.
Currently, this is an unorganized list of things I have spent many of what corporate America refers to as "cycles" on.
Also projects, but those dedicated to storage technology.