Route53 Dynamic DNS
Submits a Route53 ChangeRequest
for updating A
records when PublicIP drift is detected.
Drift detection is determined by comparing http request to icanhazip.com
and a DNS lookup to cloudflare
This is intended to be installed on a public-facing loadbalancer.
- Your ISP randomly changes your PublicIP and that pisses you off.
- You just want something that will curl
, check 3rd-party dns, and update Route53. - Your Name records only contain a single IP. (future update maybe).
If so, this is for you.
- setup
- in aws, create IAM user, attach policy, generate access keys for automated service
- log into aws cli with the account you created above
- setup link in
- setup systemd service and then install as normal
CLI Usage
$ r53-ddns -h
A CLI tool for correcting drift between your PublicIP and Route53 DNS A RECORD
Usage: r53-ddns --dns-zone-id <DNS_ZONE_ID> --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME>
-z, --dns-zone-id <DNS_ZONE_ID> DNS ZONE ID (see AWS Console Route53)
-d, --domain-name <DOMAIN_NAME> DOMAIN NAME (ex. 'docs.rskio.com.')
-h, --help Print help
envsubst < r53-ddns.service | sudo tee -a /etc/systemd/system/r53-ddns.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start r53-ddns.service
sudo systemctl status r53-ddns.service
$ systemctl status r53-ddns.service
● r53-ddns.service - Route53 Dynamic DNS Service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/r53-ddns.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2024-07-29 09:03:40 UTC; 7min ago
Main PID: 215630 (r53-ddns)
Tasks: 6 (limit: 18886)
Memory: 3.6M
CPU: 389ms
CGroup: /system.slice/r53-ddns.service
└─215630 /usr/bin/r53-ddns -z [##TRUNCATED##] -d rskio.com.
Jul 29 09:03:40 hostname systemd[1]: Started Route53 Dynamic DNS Service.
Jul 29 09:03:40 hostname r53-ddns[215630]: [2024-07-29T09:03:40Z INFO r53_ddns] starting with options: -z [##TRUNCATED##] -d rskio.com.
Jul 29 09:09:41 hostname r53-ddns[215630]: [2024-07-29T09:09:41Z INFO r53_ddns::dns] dynamic ip drift detected: ->
Jul 29 09:09:41 hostname r53-ddns[215630]: [2024-07-29T09:09:41Z INFO r53_ddns::route53] requesting update to route53 record for A rskio.com. ->
Jul 29 09:09:41 hostname r53-ddns[215630]: [2024-07-29T09:09:41Z INFO r53_ddns::route53] change_id: /change/C02168177BNS6R50C32Q has status: Pending
Jul 29 09:10:41 hostname r53-ddns[215630]: [2024-07-29T09:09:41Z INFO r53_ddns::route53] change_id: /change/C02168177BNS6R50C32Q has status: Insync
Why did you do create this monster in rust?
To be able to handle errors in the future.
wen IPv6?
It should work with IPv6.